As an asbestos consultants we undertake asbestos surveys for our clients. Everything start when a client calls us to request a survey.
A typical day might involve the client regarding the work they are going to be undertaking on a site. I can then guide them to the correct level of survey. There are three main levels of asbestos survey:
This one is the basic level required by law for any company to develop an asbestos management plan. During these surveys, we look at the surface of the building to identify the presence and condition of asbestos-containing materials. This is a non-intrusive inspection. This information is then used in making recommendations for the continuing management of the asbestos-containing materials. These do not have to be removed but they must be managed.
Identifies, through intrusive inspection, asbestos-containing materials that c be damaged or disturbed during refurbishment work. This survey should be conducted before refurbishment work starts. If the asbestos-containing material is likely to be disturbed or damaged during the work, we advise clients to remove it and suggest the best way for this.
A demolition survey is conducted when a building is due to be demolished. All the asbestos-containing materials used in the building must be identified and removed before the demolition work can start. This is a very intrusive inspection, as all aspects of the building are considered.
When the physical survey is complete, samples are then sent to our certified laboratory for analysis. Using the results, we produce a report with recommendations for each of the asbestos-containing materials. If a client decides to remove asbestos-containing material from a building, we can then guide them through the process.
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